Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 2

We have had a great day thus far! We have walked for hours all around Antigua, taking in the sites, sounds and smells. One of the highlights was a cafe/nursery full of warm weather flowers and plants:

We also stumbled upon a fantastic local market, with everything from mango on a stick to cellphones and housewares.

The rest of the day was spent familiarizing ourselves with the area, and taking in local culture. 

So today was our last day for play! Tomorrow we get down to business surveying health services in this area.

All throughout Antigua there are inspirational quotes on the walls of restaurants and on signs in front of houses. Here's the quote of the day:

Until tomorrow,

The GenetAssist team 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome photos! I am very excited to see how your work progresses every day!
